Contact us

Curious about working with momondo in one way or another? From press to content contribution, we've got all our contacts listed below so you can be sure to reach the right person

User feedback

For all user feedback enquiries, please visit our Help page for more information.


momondo gets its hotel content from KAYAK. Therefore, if you are a property renter, hotel manager or offer other accommodation, and you wish to list your property on momondo, please visit KAYAK’s Hotel Owners page for more information. The same procedure applies if you wish to amend information on an already-existing property listing.

Joining momondo

If you are interested in joining momondo and helping us open our world, please visit our jobs page.


For all press enquiries, please visit our Press page for more information.

Affiliate Programme

If you’re a publisher looking to connect with the momondo Affiliate Programme please visit our Affiliate page.

Advertising and sales

If you're interested in advertising and media sales opportunities, visit our Advertise With Us page.

Get listed on momondo

If you’re an airline or online travel agency that would like to be listed on momondo, please write us at


If you’re an organisation, commercial platform, media or influencer looking for partnership opportunities with momondo, please write to us at

A little bit about momondo

How momondo works and why it's free for you

Get the best deals

We search and compare real-time prices on flights, hotels and cars so you can find the cheapest, quickest and best travel deals

100% price transparency

The prices you see are never affected by your searches, no matter how many you make. We do not use cookies to adjust or increase prices.

Trusted and free

We’re completely free to use – no hidden charges or fees – and we’re endorsed by Frommer’s, CNN and the New York Times